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How time travels from ChildhOOd to Teenage

Hi, all!

I dug out this article from an old pile (written nearly six years back, while in school). Hope this might help scoop up and relive your childhood days, and maybe, open up the doorway for the long lost innocence and purity..!!

So here goes. Enjoy..

Let me start off by quoting ELIZABETH LAWRENCE –

โ€œ There is a garden in every childhood, an enchanted place, where colors are brighter, the air softer, and the morning

fragrant than everโ€ฆ.โ€

Me as a kid, 6 or 7 years old, in front of Mysore Palace. Why have I shared this pic here..? Well, read till the end to find out..!


โ€œCโ€ is for childhood, a never ending vacation; all weekends without weeks and playtime everlasting, vivid imagination coming alive,

it is most certainly the beautiful phase of life.ย  As the life train choo – choos away, the next chapter โ€“ TEENAGE is revealed in

front of us. Childhood โ€“ the most beautiful season of lifeย fades away as a memory, as sweet as sugar. I still rememberย 

the time when I used to be that small naughty one, least bothered about what is happening around. Times changed, I have now

reached a state where I am able to understand and comprehend. Styles have changed, and so has attitude; different perceptions

arising, keeping aside the concepts of playing and innocence.


I had been on a tour to Mysore a few months back. Let me share one of my ‘Tour memory pics’ here :

Guess what... I was absolutely unaware of the fact that we had even been on a trip so long back to this place..!! The similarity in both the pics did indeed surprise me :)

Guess what… I was absolutely unaware of the fact that we had even been on a trip so long back to this place..!! The similarity in both the pics did indeed surprise me ๐Ÿ™‚


This is what my dad wrote seeing the identical photographs. “We took her along with us to Mysore…….14 years later,

she travels to the same place with her friends. What a coincidence, the location almost same, even the pose for the photoย 

identical…..nice to see she has grown up but not changed…… we love you molu, just be what you are….”ย 


We all miss the LITTLE ONE in us. But as it is said, “theย  events of childhood do not pass but repeat themselves like

the seasons of the year”โ€ฆ.WE WAIT !!!

8 thoughts on “How time travels from ChildhOOd to Teenage”

Good narration Meera. The child in us never leaves us but get camouflaged to be in the new surroundings, with new people and as rightly said by you to the new perceptions. Keep going. All the best.

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