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Carl Zeiss professional photographer

I am a professional photographer from New York. I love to travel around the globe and take beautiful photos of great people.

Story Thumbnails Thumbnails
Going up the hills of Udhagamangalam, popularly known as Ooty, one gets to realise why she was crowned as the...
Title: Labyrinth Genre: Historical Fiction Goodreads rating: 3.54 “What we leave behind in this life is the memory of who...
How would the world look like if the R, G, and B were to be drained off? Plain? Dull?- I...
Yes, they have rhytide, and their hair might have started to Grey- these are not just the ‘ugly’ signs of...
DAY 1  “ Ache, I need to go for Kochi Muziris Biennale. Will you take me?” DAY 2: “.… take...
Getting hold of your fav author’s books when boredom has struck you is just like having been given a few...
Planning a visit to Kerala? Are you in search of a place to go to, to escape from your daily...
“Sherlock Holmes?.. Hmm not my type of series.. nothing to beat Agatha Christie!”  I would have said. Even though I...

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