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Know your spices – Veg Bread Roll Recipe

10- 15 days of Sem break! Woah! It’s quite natural to be excited when you get this news. But as days go by, boredom strikes, and make you

keep count what’s left for reopening. Well, this break was totally different for me. Going around hunting for good “Your Shot” assignments

left me no time to count the days left.


spices art work

It’s back to classes from tomorrow. Before that I would like to update my Blog(after a long time now) with my latest “Spice Creation,” made

for one of the assignments- ‘Tastes like home.’


Hmm.. Now what would I love to make with these spices….

Veg bread roll with spices recipe

I guess this simple bread roll recipe would do.



Living in Chengannur, I’ve developed a strong liking for veg rolls (apparently that’s the only VEG food you get there!!).Veg rolls are

quite simple to cook and am sure this might be a regular snack in most homes!


These are the ingredients what I’d love having in my piece of roll :-


Potato- smashed,

Green peas,


Onion- finely chopped,

Garam masala,

Dry mango powder,


Chilly powder,


and Cheese.


Well, you don’t have to strictly stick on to these ingredients. Can certainly add more veggies and spices as per your taste and liking.

And now for the preparation:-


*    Boil/steam the potatoes till they are just right for being smashed.

*    Heat the oil in a pan. Once hot, add cumin to it and wait till it is perfectly brown. Once the fragrance starts to spread, add the

finely chopped onions, red chilly powder, turmeric and pepper to it.

I always add a bit of tomato sauce for flavour- there is no cooking for me without sauce!!

( can’t resist mentioning the aroma when you add sauce)

*    Mix well and let it cook for a few minutes.

*    Once that is set, add the boiled, smashed potatoes along with corn and peas.

Mix it properly once and leave it aside for the peas to cook.

*    Add salt to taste.

*    While your mix is still cooking, keep ready the slices of bread, dipped in water

and squeezed, for the rolls.

*    Place the mix over the slices evenly.

*    Finally, add cheese over it before making it into rolls. This is not mandatory, but

I just love the burst of cheese in my mouth when I take a bite. Loads of cheese.. Yaa that’s my fav!

*    Deep fry the rolls till the crust turns crisp and goldish- ready to be eaten!

*    Serve hot!

Chesy Veg Bread rolls with sauce

Roll Courtesy : Amma

Do leave in comments, ideas that can be “Know your spices” recipes.

Enjoy the rolls!

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